Welcome To Grading TCG!

Welcome to Grading TCG. We are looking forward to growing and helping the TCG community! Stay tuned for exciting giveaways, breaks, and openings.


Make sure you follow us on all of our social media accounts to make sure you don’t miss a chance on WINNING something. Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok as we hit different milestones. We will be #givingaway many different things. From sealed products to singles and even graded cards.


We are looking to help the TCG community by providing first of its kind pre-grading services using the newest technology available (which some of the grading services already use). Help us make this a reality by sponsoring a break or opening. You can also buy specials items from our online shop.

We will start a Sponsored page to show our thanks for helping us and the TCG community out.

We are already looking to upgrade our machine vision cameras and are looking to add a high end stereo microscope with digital camera to the system along with one of the most important parts a surface profiler and have all of this live streamed and recorded for you to watch.

By doing all of this we are looking to remove the human element from the grading equation. Which is the most variable element of the grading process since its very subjective. As we all know, even with professional graders, if you give the same card to 10 different graders you’re most likely to get 10 different reports. Yes, they should be within 0.5 of a grade of each other but are they having a good day or not?


We have secured a distributor but we all know that the new fish in the pond get next nothing when it comes to product allocation and we will continue to work on getting other distributors and partnership developed to help bring product to the market.

In order to keep inventory moving, we might have to go out in the secondary market to purchase product for our sponsorships and for member exclusives.

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